Saturday, 9 March 2013

Online Ads ready in 15 minutes @ Rs. 75/ day or less

Our Online Advertising Company India has a mission - to enable you to advertise online @ Rs. 75/ day or less. Interested? Read on.

Any self respecting businessman or entrepreneur is never happy with what he has got. He always wants more. He wants GROWTH. Growth, apart from other factors, depends on overall visibility. And a large constituent of visibility is Advertising.

Have you ever considered advertising for your business? Given a chance, who would not like to advertise?

However there are issues with what we call “mass media” or “traditional media” advertising. Traditional advertising is very costly. The Times of India, India’s leading English daily, charges close to Rs. 5500 per square centimeter. A newspaper sheet measures 50 cm x 35 cm approximately. So, a full page ad will cost about Rs. 96 lacs. YES. You heard that right. Rs. 96 lacs. And that too, just one release. Therefore, 10 full page ads in The Times of India will cost you around Rs. 10 crores. Yes, it will be read by about 70 lac readers. So the relative cost will come to Rs. 1.37 per reader each time. Pretty cheap I would say. But the absolute cost is very high. Imagine spending Rs. 10 crores on your ad campaign.

That’s not all. TV advertising is equally expensive. Prime time rates routinely go for Rs. 1.25 lacs/ 10 sec at the least. So a 30 sec ad will set you back by Rs. 3.75 lacs. Given the clutter levels on TV, you would need minimum 10 impressions in a day, meaning Rs. 37.50 lacs in a day. Just think about it.

Which brings us to the topic we are on. Online Advertising. And more specifically, Google AdWords. Google really defines the online advertising space. Apparently it makes 32 billion USD out of its paid or display advertising (About Rs. 1.72 lac crore) in a year. That is a lot of money. To compare, the revenue generated by the Indian film industry (Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali all combined) in one year is about Rs. 12,000 crore. So we are really talking about a super giant here.

Today, online penetration in India has reached 10%, with broadband penetration at about 2.5%. So we are talking about roughly 13 crore Indians with internet connectivity and 3 crore Indians with broadband connectivity. That’s a big number. Smartphones with 3G connections is another thing. Last year, 85 lacs or so smartphones were sold. E-commerce industry has reached revenues of Rs. 55,000 crores in a year. So one thing is clear. The ecosystem for online advertising to take off is there already. The customer is online, waiting and willing.

So why do so few companies and entrepreneurs consider online advertising? Mostly it is down to the lack of awareness and know how. And we would like to change that.

Let us first understand the crucial difference between traditional advertising and online advertising. For that, we play a nice TV ad:

What does this ad do, as a marketing or communication tool? It helps to introduce Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate to you, in the best possible way. In case you were already aware of it, it refreshes your memory of it. You may or may not have been thinking of Cadbury when this ad was played, but in any case after you view it, you may think about Cadbury for a while. That’s the premise on which traditional advertising works. Seeding a consumer with information about a brand, in an interesting way, and then repeating it till the time the Brand becomes TOM (Top of Mind) with him. And once it does, make sure it stays there. It sounds simple, but it is not. There are thousands of things (and not just Brands) competing for your attention. So an ad has to work very hard to get your attention to begin with. And as we just noted, it costs a lot of money to ensure your brand becomes TOM. You could actually say that traditional advertising is now so costly that only big companies can afford it. One more reason to look towards online advertising, or Google AdWords.

Online advertising is “contextual”. To understand this term, just consider your own behaviour. How do you use Google? You use it only when “you” need something. For example, you might search for “short term courses” in case you are interested in doing a short term course. That is the time an advertiser gets the opportunity to serve you the ad. Note that he is not trying to “seed” your mind or anything like that. He is merely trying to fulfill the need that you have. Now this is the exciting part about online advertising and the one that sets it apart - being there when the customer is searching for you. What could be better than that?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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